Thursday, May 28, 2009

The New Den - We're Heeeeeere!

The move to the New Den is now complete. We have internet and phone lines and as of yesterday, we have a step that lets us walk in the door without falling over.

I figured this would be a good time to take inventory of our new digs! There are a few things we miss from our Hinchey location. We miss our corner store, the closeness of the mailbox and of course Janesh's little face in the window every morning.

Things we don't miss; the mangy squirrel that always came by, the crooked staircase, Govindh hearing us pee (he was polite and never mentioned it, but we know he heard), the cat that looks just like Catherine's but with a few extra parts (if you know what I mean....) and the 53 point turn to get out of the driveway.

There are lots of things we love about the New Den. We love all of the natural light that streams in from the windows. We love how bright everything is and our new workspace. We love Garlic King and Chahaya Malaysia - Yummo!!

There is just one little problem with the New Den....the steep 22 stair climb up to the office. We're trying to look at this in a positive way - it's good for us and we'll get in better shape right? Not sure if anyone is buying it but we're trying.

We have set a few small goals for ourselves - remember Cougars are not meant to climb stairs. First goal - to climb the stairs and not be out of breath. The first one to reach this goal will be awarded the title of "First One to Climb the Stairs and not be out of Breath". My money is on Catherine! Second goal - OK we only have one goal! For the record my money is on Catherine for that one too!

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