Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm a Delinquent Blogger.......

This is my first Blog all week and it's Thursday - unforgivable in the blogging world. Not to worry , I'm ready to go!

I took Winston and Churchill to the vet this week for their yearly physical and heart worm medication. After I paid the $400.00 plus bill, it got me to thinking about how much money these dogs cost us. That got me to thinking about how much we love these two fury creatures, even though they (mostly Churchill) get into all kinds of trouble, our lives would be so boring without them.

Speaking of trouble and Churchill - funny how those two words find themselves side-by-side so often - recently I came home to find little pieces of green plastic all over the living room floor.

It took me a few minutes to find the source of the green plastic. Finally, I spotted it. A few feet away on the floor I saw a tipped over peanut butter jar. Of course the lid (green plastic)was missing. When I looked inside the jar, I saw that the sides had been cleaned out and I mean squeaky clean, but only the first 3 inches. Stranger still, in the middle of the jar, the peanut butter had been formed into the shape of a cone. This is what we think happened.

The peanut butter was left on the table (I'm not naming names, but you know who you are....). As soon as we left for the day, Churchill began the arduous task of moving the peanut butter from the kitchen to the living room. Churchill is a small dog (about 20 pounds) and this was a big jar - and last time I checked he didn't have hands, so don't ask me how he managed this or why it had to be in the living room. Then he chewed off the lid, stuck his face in as far as he could and ate peanut butter for hours.

You might wonder how I know it was Churchill and not Winston. All I can say is trust me, it was Churchill - and he probably didn't share with his brother.

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