Monday, May 4, 2009

Training Update #3

I know I promised pictures, but I forgot the camera. I will remember next time, I promise!

As for the ride itself, I have to say that things are getting easier. I took 5 minutes off my time, didn't feel like barfing - not even once - and had brief glimpses of enjoyment. Definitely steps in the right direction.

Tonight I'm going for a nice long walk (I might try to slip in a little running) and back on the bike Wednesday.

I have to say a huge thank you to Brian. Admittedly I'm not the easiest person to "help". I am fiercely independent and not very patient.

He is a fantastic cyclist and I suck, so in general the whole cycling thing just pisses me off. I usually start out each ride a tad cranky and complaining and things go downhill (pun totally intended) from there. God help us all if I have ride in bad weather. By the time we have finished our ride I'm downright miserable. And the only words that come out of my husband's mouth are words of encouragement. Stuff like "awesome job on that hill" and "you know, you're really doing great." He is still promising that it will get easier and that I'm going to love it. I don't love it - not even close, but I'll keep at it as long as Brian will put up with me. Frankly I don't know how he manages it, but I'm really grateful that he does.

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