Friday, May 15, 2009

Oh no, I Think I'm getting Old!

I know, I know "age is a state of mind". And I believe that to be true, which is why I am shocked when my 23 year-old brain looks at my 42 year-old face in the mirror. Even writing that number is a little unnerving.

I've discovered a few things recently and I attribute them to getting older. I need to wear more make-up to get the same result, my skin is doing weird things and I am starting to get wrinkles. I can handle all of that (I also need glasses now, so when I'm not wearing them I look great!!). It's my brain - my 23 year-old brain keeps forgetting stuff that my 42 year-old body wants to do. Easy stuff, like when I open a program on my computer,I forget what I was going to do or I walk into a room and forget why I'm there.

I started to panic a little bit until I started hearing the same complaints from friends, family and co-workers. Thank God we're all in the same boat, I would hate to spend "my best years" alone - but then again, I probably wouldn't remember anyway. Happy May 2-4!

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