Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I spent Mother's Day inside the Hershey Centre in Toronto watching the Cheer Alliance National Championships. When I say I spent the day there, I mean the entire day - 12 hours worth of day. Yet somehow it was very rewarding.

I watched Julia compete. I watched her pull strength from somewhere, conquer her fears and rise (literally!) above it all. The fact that they won Nationals is just icing on a very yummy cake and the best part is that she knows that. After the team was awarded their huge trophy (only a little shorter than Julia is) I told her how proud I was of her. And she knew it wasn't because they had won. She knew it was because she had worked all year long to get there and in the end she didn't let anything stop her from "leaving it all on the floor". That being said, winning a huge trophy really makes the ride home a lot easier.

While I watching thousands of cheerleaders do what they do best, I was in constant contact with my 15-year-old daughter Samantha. Thanks to my blackberry I can text like a teenager! She was at home sick and I felt horrible that I wasn't there. Alas the unanswered question of all mothers "How can I be in two places at the same time?" It's right up there with "How can I grow third arm?"

None of texts or phone calls included any complaining or whining. She asked how her sister did, wished me a Happy Mother's Day and told me about her weekend (in between bout of stomach upset). It dawned on me that she was fine without me there. The selfish side of me reacted first, feeling a little bit sad that I wasn't needed. Then the rest of me reacted and there was nothing but pride. She is confident and strong. She can handle herself and whatever situation comes her way - even when it's a weekend of her dad's cooking (I'm sure that's not why she was sick!).

My girls gave me the best gift I could have asked for (although I would never turn down a day-at-the-spa, just sayin'). They showed me their strength and their power. Thanks for a great Mother's Day.

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