Monday, April 27, 2009

Let the "Training" begin

The "Den" (see previous post titled "A Real Cougar in the Den") is relocating. I'll only be 8 kilometres from home, so when the lease on my van ran out, we decided not to get a new one. I would cycle to work. It seemed like a great idea when it was months away but now that we're down to 4 weeks it seems like a really bad idea.

My husband Brian has been an avid cyclist for years and he agreed to help me "train for commuting". We had our first ride yesterday. We went about 3 kilometres and up the first of three hills and when I had to lungs were threatening to erupt from my chest. When I could breathe again we kept going. Somewhere around kilometre 10, when I couldn't feel my butt anymore we stopped again. I said "I'm going to vomit". He said "You're doing great". We kept going. Finally we made it home and I was shocked to see that my legs had been transformed into elastic bands which made navigating through our split level house lots of fun. Not bad for the first ride of the season.

Analysis time - can I do the 8 kilometre ride to the office - you bet! Can I do the 8 kilometre ride to the office, work all day and then do it again - not even close! Looks like I have some work to do over the next 4 weeks.

Brian has promised me that I'm going to love riding my bike to work. He has promised that I'll be addicted to biking in no time. I only half believe him - especially after the near vomit, rubber legs of yesterday - but I'll give it a try and I'll keep you posted!

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