Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Just Need 90 Minutes

I've had my head down and buried for the past couple of weeks dealing with an unexpected "bump in the road" at work. The girls are out of school and need to get from A to B while Brian and I are both at work with one car between us. Brian has decided that now is a good time to start "building things". My sister is getting married in September. Dexter the hamster died a violent death (no, Churchill did not eat him although I don't blame you for wondering) and if you swim in my pool, you risk frostbite. This is life, or at least life in my house and I'm pretty sure that my lifestyle is no different from any other mom out there.

It's a well known fact that sometimes (OK - frequently) we mom types tend to do for everyone else before we do for ourselves. We somehow end up on the bottom of the "to do" list, so it was with a spirit of rebellion that I booked a pedicure.

I had a gift certificate from Christmas (we'll ignore the fact that it is July and I'm just getting around to using it)so not only was I in for some pampering, it was free pampering, woo-hoo. I was practically giddy with excitement (again we're going to ignore the fact that I was that excited about a pedicure).

I went straight from work to the spa where I encountered a huge sign clearly stating that cell phones were not welcome. Being the rule conscious, respectful person that I am - I turned off my phone. I was led to the pedicure room and was offered a bottle of water. I sat in the chair with anticipation and set my feet in the steaming water. This was going to be good.

My Esthetician was politely chatting. - I grabbed a magazine. I just wanted silence and pampering - less talking more pampering please. She quickly got the hint and was happy to oblige. I picked out bubble gum pink nail polish (another bit of rebellion), sat in silence with my eyes closed and relaxed. It was soooo good. In case you're wondering - deep breathing and leg massages definitely go together. It was 90 minutes of no phone calls, no requests, no blackberry and no noise - and it was glorious.

I left the spa with toes that looked like 10 pieces of bubble gum. I felt peaceful, happy and energized. Good thing too because when I turned my cell phone back on, I had three voice mails, 2 IM conversations that I had missed and 2 "urgent requests".

In life sometimes you just need 90 minutes and when you do, you should take them because sometimes it's all you get......until next time that is!

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